We have taken a stance that we will abide by confirmed truth. We admit that Bhagwanji might have been Netaji. It is confirmed by handwriting experts and documentary as well as the eye witness evidences. And yet, we do have a few questions that bother us. The foremost of them is - Why did Bhagwanji remain behind the curtains, hiding from even the people who knew him intimately, like Dr. Pabitramohan Roy. And yet, he would also appear before some, like Mrs. Pushpa Bannerjee or Durga Prasad Pandey. What is the reason behind this differential treatment? What prompted him to reveal himself in front of some, while hiding himself in front of a large majority, many of who were his trusted followers? A person normally hides because of several reasons 1) The person is physically disfigured and therefore does not want to reveal himself 2) The person is not the real person, and therefore does not intend to come out 3) the person desires secrecy and therefore does not want to come out in front of others.
A likely reason in the case of Bhagwanji is that, he had dummies, possibly several. Bhagwanji had to remain behind curtains because if he was not there and somebody else was there in his place, that somebody else would otherwise have to come out and get himself revealed, which was not desirable. Therefore it was imperative for him to remain behind the curtains most of the time, creating a perception that he would never come out, thus providing a convenient shield of deception to the dummies who would take his place when he would not be available. Occassionally however he revealed himself to a few, because that revelation would be harmless - exception rather than rule. To his near and dear followers, he would not naturally show himself because of a) a strong emotional connect b) it would give credibility to the theory that he wanted to be always behind the curtains for the reasons best known to him.
In short, Bhagwanji stayed behind the curtains to help his dummies contiue with the deception game in his absence. That seems to be the most likely reason.