Lest we forget

Sister Nivedita, the great Irish disciple of Swami Vivekananda, his spiritual daughter, was instrumental in cultivating Nationalistic spirit among youth in the early stages of National movement. Her spirited fight against British raj esp. Curzon, endeared her to many a great National leaders like Aurobindo, Gokhale and Rabindranath Tagore

Aurobindo Ghosh, one of the founding fathers of the Nationalist movement who stood at the forefront of awakening the Nation and inspired the youth to take up arms against the British. Later took up a spiritual life in Pondicherry and became a realized soul

Raja Mahendra Pratap who formed the first provisional government from Kabul during first world war and carried out extensive campaign against British rule in Europe and Asia

Sister Nivedita, the great Irish disciple of Swami Vivekananda, his spiritual daughter, was instrumental in cultivating Nationalistic spirit among youth in the early stages of National movement. Her spirited fight against British raj esp. Curzon, endeared her to many a great National leaders like Aurobindo, Gokhale and Rabindranath Tagore