Subhas was in Mandalay jail when fresh elections were declared for the Bengal Legislative council in November 1926. Bengal Congress had selected Subhas Chandra Bose to fight against Mr. J.N Basu, the leader of the Liberal Party, who had won even during the days when Swarajya party had swept through the Council seats in 1923. Sarat Bose and Bibhavati Bose campaigned extensively for Subhas. The election organization in the constituency was in charge of Durga Charan Bannerjee, solicitor. Basanti Devi had issued an emotional appeal to the people of the constituency through the mouthpiece of the Swarajists, the Forward, to vote for Subhas, her husband's right hand man whose patriotism, enthusiasm and sacrifice were unparalleled. Subhas won a thumping majority by securing 2110 votes as against only 588 polled by his rival (adopted from My Uncle Netaji, by Dr. Asoke Nath Bose)
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