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Janakinath Bose's death

In 1934 Bose came back to India for a short period on the receipt of a cable that his father was seriously ill. He could not see his father as Janakinath had died on the day before his arrival. This was a severe blow to Subhas. He had always regarded his father with utmost respect because of the moral discipline and exemplary life that he led. He was guilty of not being able to do enough and not fulfilling his father's aspirations and dreams about him. But he had made his father proud from all aspects. Janakinath, from being a admirer and participant in the British administration, had developed bitter hostilities against the Government and gave away his Raibahadur title in 1930 in protest against the Government injustices. Subhas was very dear to his father and brothers. Subhas could spend only a month with his grieving family, esp. his mother as he was interned under Government regulation.

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